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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

UNCUT Diary of an Open Mind?

Posted by MissMimi611

I have been dancing around in circles trying to decide what my very first blog should be about.  I even went as far as posting a Facebook and Twitter status asking for suggestions.  Those who know me personally, know that my head is filled with many thoughts.  So it was recommended that my first blog be about the government OR religion OR the black community OR the War in Iraq OR etc.  I am grateful for the many ideas for my first blog, as I do have much to say about all of the topics mentioned.  Surpisingly though, no one said to write about ME; after all, this is the uncut diary of MY open mind.

I could go on and on about know...give you the "who I am" and "where I come from" spill.  But that's not me.  That information will reveal itself throughout my blog postings.  I will say this, however, my blog is entitled "UNCUT Diary of an Open Mind."  Take note of the keywords: "UNCUT", "Diary" and "Open Mind."  My blogs are not intended for the "faint of heart" type of readers.  This is my online diary and it's open to all.  This is MY voice, this is me.  

We, as Americans...hell, as HUMANS love to "sugar coat" stuff.  We like for things to look, taste, smell and FEEL good; that's what appeals to us.  Sorry, my blogs will not be tending to your sweet tooth.  They will consist of food thought, as it is healthy for the mind, body and soul.  Even if you don't agree with my opinions, open your mind to new ideas.   

Feel free to leave comments or start discusisons.  I am open to all opinions and love hearing different takes on topics and issues.  Stay tuned folks....



Take off your rose colored glasses and you'll view things with a whole new perspective!


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